
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Non-scale victories

So many times I am hard on myself and jeopardize my success because I can never give myself a pat on the back, and even when people tell me I look like I lost weight, my response is usually something like this "Nope, not at all the scale so that means I am not dropping", and what I am really thinking is yeah right, people just say that because they know how hard I work out, or I am with someone who has actually been losing weight and so they just have to add me into the comment so I don't feel bad.  And is this true, maybe? Who knows. I was watching Oprah's next chapter and it was a Tony Robbins special. He was talking about perspective and the way we chose to look at things and how we use our circumstances to hold us back/make us great.  Here is an example he used: A boy was given up at birth and moved from family to family, and he stated that he was not wanted because he was thrown away, he was later adopted and he said that same statement to his adoptive parents that he wasn't wanted, and his adoptive parents said, contrary to your belief you were extremely wanted and we waited on you.  It was so profound to me, he then asked the audience which one of those statements were true? He answered, whichever one you want it to be.  You see, the next time someone tells me I look like I'm dropping the lbs. I'm just gonna say "Thank you" and not over analyze where its coming from. 

I am also going to recognize the non scale victories.  So is the scale getting smaller, ummm...nope not at all.  But I am starting to see changes.  Last week I had to rush into the office and I just threw on some pants that I hadn't worn in a while, well if I recall correctly the last time I wore those pants the were fitting a little tight and when I put them on last week they were much looser.  I am also getting stronger on my workouts.  I am doing more push ups and lasting longer on rounds. So this is a good thing (as I am typing this my mind is saying...I'm still no pro and have a lot of work to go).  I have to stop down playing success, because success is what we make it.  No I am no where close to my overall goal, but yes I am making changes in my life. I can see the changes and I am pleased with them.  Small changes can lead to great success. So I am going to work hard to recognize all victories, both scale and non scale ones.

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