
Sunday, January 22, 2012

More than a conqueror!

So this week has been full of up and downs, I felt like I was riding on a roller coaster.  Usually I am pretty level grounded, I know what I want and usually I have my mind made up to achieve it and when I don't achieve I know why and can usually make some kind of peace of sense of it.  So why has this week been so different?!?! All week, I've been praying, reading, studying and on the flip side I've been obsessing, doubting and trying to wrap my mind on my shortcomings.  Talk about an oxymoron.  Every day this week something seemed to be revealed to me. Then as I read Friday's daily word which was discussing building up your faith it had started to dawn on me.  There was this one statement that spoke to me like a revelation.."To be a conqueror means to fight a battle and be more than a conqueror means to win a battle without even fighting".  Isn't that something!?Then today's sermon hit even more close to home. Pastor spoke on "strongholds"...he defined it as something that holds you captive, a mindset that things don't change. He went on to talk about how we think we have control over things and wonder why they don't work out.  It all started to make sense, although it sounds like something really simple it was quite profound for me and where I am.   I am holding myself back.  I am trying to fight a battle that's not meant for me to fight, I hadn't released it all to God! Why am I trying to fight this battle when I can release it all to him?!?!?

It's strange how  the flesh mindset works, how if I am at work and get into situation that is "outside of my pay level" (so I call it), how easy it is  and how quickly I escalate the issue to my manager.  But in my personal life I have these issues (baby and weight), issues that are "outside of my pay level", so why am I not escalating them up to the ONLY one who can take care of them? huh? Makes no sense. 

So I am giving it all to God.  Now don't get me wrong or confuse me here.  There are some issues with my weight that I can control, but when I've done all I can do and still don't get the satisfaction I want that's when I am give it all to God.  I'm too hard on myself, creating problems for myself that are beyond my control. Stressing...what's that all about? And as for the baby....I'm giving that all to God as well, along everything else that comes along with it (bills, stress, debt, pain, disappointments).  I'm tired of fighting and that's because this battle is not mine to be fighting, I'm standing on God's promises and today I am more than a conqueror...I'll win the battle without even fighting!

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